Auto Routines
ChoreoLib provides the AutoFactory
class as higher level API to make it easier to create competitive and complex auto routines inside your robot code.
Triggers vs Composition
Composition is how most teams currently architect their auto routines.
You start with 1 SequentialCommandGroup
and add commands to it.
This works for many use cases but can get unwieldy when you have branches,
want your subsystem default command to run during an auto
or want to have concurrent command groups running independently that might handoff Subsystems
to each other.
Triggers aim to solve these problems by providing a way to define a control flow based on reactions to state
that don't allocate Subsystems
until they are needed. Triggers also allow a non-linear control flow with
branching supported in a first class manner.
Monolithic vs Segmented Trajectories
Monolithic trajectories are a single trajectory that is run from start to finish without stopping. This has the advantage of being simple to create and understand but can be limiting in complex autos that may require branching. Making a new auto with this method can be time consuming as you have to create a completely new trajectory for each new auto and are likely repeating yourself.
Segmented trajectories are a series of smaller trajectories that have defined handoff positions to smoothly transition between them. This allows for more complex autos to be created by reusing smaller pieces of trajectories and combining them in different ways. This can be more complex to create but can be more powerful and flexible in the long run. If every command is named aswell it is easier to debug and understand what is happening in the auto opposed to a monolithic command group.
Example Preamble
For the following examples we will be working on a 2024 robot similar to 1678 2024.
There are already some helper methods in scope to allow us to use commands easier.
- Extends the intake, ends when a note is acquired and automatically retracts when the command ends. Uses theIntake
- Retracts the intake. Uses theIntake
- Shoots the note if the robot has one. Uses theShooter
.aimFor(Pose2d pose)
- Aims the shooter for a specific position, also keeps the wheels spunup. Uses theShooter
- Spins up the shooter wheels. Uses theShooter
- Aims the shooter based on the current odometry position. Uses theShooter
.resetOdometry(Pose2d pose)
- Resets the odometry to a specific position. Uses theDrive
- Aims the shooter and rotates the robot to the correct angle to shoot and then shoots. Uses theShooter
There is also a method to make a trigger that represents if the robot owns a note.
yeGp(AutoRoutine routine)
- Returns a trigger that is true if the robot owns a note.noGp(AutoRoutine routine)
- Returns a trigger that is true if the robot does not own a note.
There is also a helpful trigger that represents if subsystems are available to be scheduled on.
subsystemsAvailable(AutoRoutine routine, Set<Subsystem> subsystems)
- Returns a trigger that is true if the subsystems are available to be scheduled on.
Also assume a import static edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.Commands.*
is in scope.
Creating an auto routine with triggers and a segmented trajectory
public AutoRoutine fivePieceAutoTriggerSeg(AutoFactory factory) {
final AutoRoutine routine = factory.newRoutine("fivePieceAuto");
// This uses segments that all have predefined handoff points.
// These handoff points follow a naming convention
// C1, C2, C3: The 3 close notes, C1 having the greatest y value
// M1, M2, M3, M4, M5: The 5 middle notes, M1 having the greatest y value
// S1, S2, S3: 3 arbitrary shooting positions that are near the stage, S1 having the greatest y
// value
// AMP, SUB, SRC: The 3 starting positions
// Try to load all the trajectories we need
final AutoTrajectory ampToC1 = factory.trajectory("ampToC1", routine);
final AutoTrajectory c1ToM1 = factory.trajectory("c1ToM1", routine);
final AutoTrajectory m1ToS1 = factory.trajectory("m1ToS1", routine);
final AutoTrajectory m1ToM2 = factory.trajectory("m1ToM2", routine);
final AutoTrajectory m2ToS1 = factory.trajectory("m2ToS2", routine);
final AutoTrajectory s1ToC2 = factory.trajectory("s1ToC2", routine);
final AutoTrajectory c2ToC3 = factory.trajectory("c2ToC3", routine);
// entry point for the auto
// resets the odometry to the starting position,
// then shoots the starting note,
// then runs the trajectory to the first close note while extending the intake
() -> {
return new Pose2d();
.withName("fivePieceAuto entry point"));
// spinnup the shooter while no other command is using the shooter
subsystemsAvailable(routine, spinnup().getRequirements())
// shoots the note if the robot has it, then runs the trajectory to the first middle note
// extends the intake while traveling towards the first middle note
// if the robot has the note, it goes back to shoot it,
// otherwise it goes to the next middle note
// aims the shooter while traveling to shoot;
// extends the intake while traveling towards the second middle note
// go back to shoot no matter what;
// aims the shooter while traveling to shoot;
// extends the intake while traveling towards the second close note
// if the robot has the note, it shoots it
// otherwise it goes to the third close note;;
// extends the intake while traveling towards the third close note
// if the robot has the note, it shoots it;
return routine;
Creating an auto routine with triggers and a monolithic trajectory
public AutoRoutine fivePieceAutoTriggerMono(AutoFactory factory) {
final AutoRoutine routine = factory.newRoutine("fivePieceAuto");
final AutoTrajectory trajectory = factory.trajectory("fivePieceAuto", routine);
// entry point for the auto
// resets the odometry to the starting position,
// then shoots the starting note,
// then runs the trajectory to the first close note while extending the intake
() -> {
return new Pose2d();
.andThen(autoAimAndShoot(), trajectory.cmd())
.withName("fivePieceAuto entry point"));
// spinnup the shooter while no other command is running
subsystemsAvailable(routine, spinnup().getRequirements())
// extends the intake when the intake event marker is reached
// shoots the note when the shoot event marker is reached
// aims the shooter when the aim event marker is reached,
// the aim command aims based on the next shoot event marker position
final AtomicInteger shootIndex = new AtomicInteger(0);
final Pose2d[] shootPositions = trajectory.collectEventPoses("shoot");
.onTrue(defer(() -> aimFor(shootPositions[shootIndex.getAndIncrement()]), Set.of(shooter)));
return routine.cmd().beforeStarting(() -> shootIndex.set(0)).withName("fivePieceAuto");
Creating an auto routine with composition and a segmented trajectory
public AutoRoutine fivePieceAutoCompositionSeg(AutoFactory factory) {
// This uses segments that all have predefined handoff points.
// These handoff points follow a naming convention
// C1, C2, C3: The 3 close notes, C1 having the greatest y value
// M1, M2, M3, M4, M5: The 5 middle notes, M1 having the greatest y value
// S1, S2, S3: 3 arbitrary shooting positions that are near the stage, S1 having the greatest y
// value
// AMP, SUB, SRC: The 3 starting positions
// Try to load all the trajectories we need
final AutoTrajectory ampToC1 = factory.trajectory("ampToC1", factory.voidLoop());
final Command c1ToM1 = factory.trajectoryCommand("c1ToM1");
final Command m1ToS1 = factory.trajectoryCommand("m1ToS1");
final Command m1ToM2 = factory.trajectoryCommand("m1ToM2");
final Command m2ToS1 = factory.trajectoryCommand("m2ToS2");
final Command s1ToC2 = factory.trajectoryCommand("s1ToC2");
final Command c2ToC3 = factory.trajectoryCommand("c2ToC3");
Pose2d startingPose;
if (ampToC1.getInitialPose().isPresent()) {
startingPose = ampToC1.getInitialPose().get();
} else {
return none();
Command ret = sequence(
ampToC1.cmd(), intake(), aimFor(ampToC1.getFinalPose().orElseGet(Pose2d::new))),
deadline(c1ToM1, waitSeconds(0.35).andThen(intake())),
new ConditionalCommand(
deadline(m1ToS1, aim()).andThen(shootIfGp()),
deadline(m1ToM2, intake()).andThen(deadline(m2ToS1, aim()), shootIfGp()),
yeGp() // if you aren't using the triggers API these wouldn't need a custom routine
deadline(s1ToC2, intake(), aim()),
deadline(c2ToC3, intake(), spinnup()),
return factory.commandAsAutoRoutine(ret);