Sleipnir Python API
No Matches
jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock Class Reference

Public Member Functions

VariableMatrix __mul__ (self, VariableMatrix rhs)
VariableMatrix __mul__ (self, Variable rhs)
VariableMatrix __mul__ (self, float rhs)
VariableMatrix __add__ (self, VariableMatrix rhs)
VariableMatrix __add__ (self, VariableBlock rhs)
VariableMatrix __add__ (self, Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', shape=(None, None))] rhs)
VariableMatrix __add__ (self, VariableBlock rhs)
VariableMatrix __sub__ (self, VariableMatrix rhs)
VariableMatrix __sub__ (self, VariableBlock rhs)
VariableMatrix __sub__ (self, Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', shape=(None, None))] rhs)
VariableMatrix __sub__ (self, VariableBlock rhs)
EqualityConstraints __eq__ (self, VariableMatrix rhs)
EqualityConstraints __eq__ (self, VariableBlock rhs)
EqualityConstraints __eq__ (self, Variable rhs)
EqualityConstraints __eq__ (self, float rhs)
EqualityConstraints __eq__ (self, int rhs)
EqualityConstraints __eq__ (self, Variable lhs)
EqualityConstraints __eq__ (self, float lhs)
EqualityConstraints __eq__ (self, int lhs)
EqualityConstraints __eq__ (self, Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', shape=(None, None))] rhs)
InequalityConstraints __lt__ (self, VariableMatrix rhs)
InequalityConstraints __lt__ (self, VariableBlock rhs)
InequalityConstraints __lt__ (self, Variable rhs)
InequalityConstraints __lt__ (self, float rhs)
InequalityConstraints __lt__ (self, int rhs)
InequalityConstraints __lt__ (self, Variable lhs)
InequalityConstraints __lt__ (self, float lhs)
InequalityConstraints __lt__ (self, int lhs)
InequalityConstraints __lt__ (self, Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', shape=(None, None))] rhs)
InequalityConstraints __le__ (self, VariableMatrix rhs)
InequalityConstraints __le__ (self, VariableBlock rhs)
InequalityConstraints __le__ (self, Variable rhs)
InequalityConstraints __le__ (self, float rhs)
InequalityConstraints __le__ (self, int rhs)
InequalityConstraints __le__ (self, Variable lhs)
InequalityConstraints __le__ (self, float lhs)
InequalityConstraints __le__ (self, int lhs)
InequalityConstraints __le__ (self, Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', shape=(None, None))] rhs)
InequalityConstraints __gt__ (self, VariableMatrix rhs)
InequalityConstraints __gt__ (self, Variable lhs)
InequalityConstraints __gt__ (self, float lhs)
InequalityConstraints __gt__ (self, int lhs)
InequalityConstraints __gt__ (self, VariableBlock rhs)
InequalityConstraints __gt__ (self, Variable rhs)
InequalityConstraints __gt__ (self, float rhs)
InequalityConstraints __gt__ (self, int rhs)
InequalityConstraints __gt__ (self, Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', shape=(None, None))] rhs)
InequalityConstraints __ge__ (self, VariableMatrix rhs)
InequalityConstraints __ge__ (self, Variable lhs)
InequalityConstraints __ge__ (self, float lhs)
InequalityConstraints __ge__ (self, int lhs)
InequalityConstraints __ge__ (self, VariableBlock rhs)
InequalityConstraints __ge__ (self, Variable rhs)
InequalityConstraints __ge__ (self, float rhs)
InequalityConstraints __ge__ (self, int rhs)
InequalityConstraints __ge__ (self, Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', shape=(None, None))] rhs)
None set_value (self, float value)
None set_value (self, Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', shape=(None, None))] values)
None set_value (self, Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float32', shape=(None, None))] values)
None set_value (self, Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='int64', shape=(None, None))] values)
None set_value (self, Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='int32', shape=(None, None))] values)
Variable __setitem__ (self, int row, Variable value)
None __setitem__ (self, tuple slices, object value)
Variable __getitem__ (self, int row)
object __getitem__ (self, tuple slices)
VariableBlock row (self, int row)
VariableBlock col (self, int col)
object __array_ufunc__ (self, object ufunc, str method, *inputs, **kwargs)
VariableMatrix __rmul__ (self, Variable lhs)
VariableMatrix __rmul__ (self, float lhs)
VariableMatrix __truediv__ (self, Variable rhs)
VariableMatrix __truediv__ (self, float rhs)
VariableMatrix __neg__ (self)
Variable __pow__ (self, int power)
VariableMatrix T (self)
int rows (self)
int cols (self)
tuple shape (self)
float value (self, int row, int col)
float value (self, int index)
Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', shape=(None, None), order='F')] value (self)
VariableMatrix cwise_transform (self, Callable[[Variable], Variable] func)
int __len__ (self)
Iterator[Variable__iter__ (self)

Detailed Description

A submatrix of autodiff variables with reference semantics.

Template parameter ``Mat``:
    The type of the matrix whose storage this class points to.

Member Function Documentation

◆ __add__() [1/4]

VariableMatrix jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__add__ (   self,
Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', shape=(None, None))]  rhs 

◆ __add__() [2/4]

VariableMatrix jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__add__ (   self,
VariableBlock  rhs 

◆ __add__() [3/4]

VariableMatrix jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__add__ (   self,
VariableBlock  rhs 

◆ __add__() [4/4]

VariableMatrix jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__add__ (   self,
VariableMatrix  rhs 

◆ __array_ufunc__()

object jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__array_ufunc__ (   self,
object  ufunc,
str  method,
**  kwargs 

◆ __eq__() [1/9]

EqualityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__eq__ (   self,
Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', shape=(None, None))]  rhs 

◆ __eq__() [2/9]

EqualityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__eq__ (   self,
float  lhs 

◆ __eq__() [3/9]

EqualityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__eq__ (   self,
float  rhs 

◆ __eq__() [4/9]

EqualityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__eq__ (   self,
int  lhs 

◆ __eq__() [5/9]

EqualityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__eq__ (   self,
int  rhs 

◆ __eq__() [6/9]

EqualityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__eq__ (   self,
Variable  lhs 

◆ __eq__() [7/9]

EqualityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__eq__ (   self,
Variable  rhs 

◆ __eq__() [8/9]

EqualityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__eq__ (   self,
VariableBlock  rhs 

◆ __eq__() [9/9]

EqualityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__eq__ (   self,
VariableMatrix  rhs 
Equality operator that returns an equality constraint for two

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __ge__() [1/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__ge__ (   self,
Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', shape=(None, None))]  rhs 
Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison operator that returns an
inequality constraint for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __ge__() [2/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__ge__ (   self,
float  lhs 
Less-than-or-equal-to comparison operator that returns an inequality
constraint for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __ge__() [3/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__ge__ (   self,
float  rhs 
Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison operator that returns an
inequality constraint for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __ge__() [4/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__ge__ (   self,
int  lhs 
Less-than-or-equal-to comparison operator that returns an inequality
constraint for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __ge__() [5/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__ge__ (   self,
int  rhs 
Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison operator that returns an
inequality constraint for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __ge__() [6/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__ge__ (   self,
Variable  lhs 
Less-than-or-equal-to comparison operator that returns an inequality
constraint for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __ge__() [7/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__ge__ (   self,
Variable  rhs 
Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison operator that returns an
inequality constraint for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __ge__() [8/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__ge__ (   self,
VariableBlock  rhs 
Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison operator that returns an
inequality constraint for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __ge__() [9/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__ge__ (   self,
VariableMatrix  rhs 
Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison operator that returns an
inequality constraint for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __getitem__() [1/2]

Variable jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__getitem__ (   self,
int  row 
Returns a slice of the variable matrix.

Parameter ``row_slice``:
    The row slice.

Parameter ``col_slice``:
    The column slice.

    A slice of the variable matrix.

◆ __getitem__() [2/2]

object jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__getitem__ (   self,
tuple  slices 
Returns a scalar subblock at the given row and column.

Parameter ``row``:
    The scalar subblock's row.

Parameter ``col``:
    The scalar subblock's column.

    A scalar subblock at the given row and column.

◆ __gt__() [1/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__gt__ (   self,
Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', shape=(None, None))]  rhs 
Greater-than comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint
for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __gt__() [2/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__gt__ (   self,
float  lhs 
Less-than comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint
for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __gt__() [3/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__gt__ (   self,
float  rhs 
Greater-than comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint
for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __gt__() [4/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__gt__ (   self,
int  lhs 
Less-than comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint
for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __gt__() [5/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__gt__ (   self,
int  rhs 
Greater-than comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint
for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __gt__() [6/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__gt__ (   self,
Variable  lhs 
Less-than comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint
for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __gt__() [7/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__gt__ (   self,
Variable  rhs 
Greater-than comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint
for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __gt__() [8/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__gt__ (   self,
VariableBlock  rhs 
Greater-than comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint
for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __gt__() [9/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__gt__ (   self,
VariableMatrix  rhs 
Greater-than comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint
for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __iter__()

Iterator[Variable] jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__iter__ (   self)

◆ __le__() [1/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__le__ (   self,
Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', shape=(None, None))]  rhs 
Less-than-or-equal-to comparison operator that returns an inequality
constraint for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __le__() [2/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__le__ (   self,
float  lhs 
Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison operator that returns an
inequality constraint for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __le__() [3/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__le__ (   self,
float  rhs 
Less-than-or-equal-to comparison operator that returns an inequality
constraint for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __le__() [4/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__le__ (   self,
int  lhs 
Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison operator that returns an
inequality constraint for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __le__() [5/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__le__ (   self,
int  rhs 
Less-than-or-equal-to comparison operator that returns an inequality
constraint for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __le__() [6/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__le__ (   self,
Variable  lhs 
Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison operator that returns an
inequality constraint for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __le__() [7/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__le__ (   self,
Variable  rhs 
Less-than-or-equal-to comparison operator that returns an inequality
constraint for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __le__() [8/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__le__ (   self,
VariableBlock  rhs 
Less-than-or-equal-to comparison operator that returns an inequality
constraint for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __le__() [9/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__le__ (   self,
VariableMatrix  rhs 
Less-than-or-equal-to comparison operator that returns an inequality
constraint for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __len__()

int jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__len__ (   self)
Returns the number of rows in the matrix.

    The number of rows in the matrix.

◆ __lt__() [1/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__lt__ (   self,
Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', shape=(None, None))]  rhs 
Less-than comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint
for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __lt__() [2/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__lt__ (   self,
float  lhs 
Greater-than comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint
for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __lt__() [3/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__lt__ (   self,
float  rhs 
Less-than comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint
for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __lt__() [4/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__lt__ (   self,
int  lhs 
Greater-than comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint
for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __lt__() [5/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__lt__ (   self,
int  rhs 
Less-than comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint
for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __lt__() [6/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__lt__ (   self,
Variable  lhs 
Greater-than comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint
for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __lt__() [7/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__lt__ (   self,
Variable  rhs 
Less-than comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint
for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __lt__() [8/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__lt__ (   self,
VariableBlock  rhs 
Less-than comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint
for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __lt__() [9/9]

InequalityConstraints jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__lt__ (   self,
VariableMatrix  rhs 
Less-than comparison operator that returns an inequality constraint
for two Variables.

Parameter ``lhs``:
    Left-hand side.

Parameter ``rhs``:
    Left-hand side.

◆ __mul__() [1/3]

VariableMatrix jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__mul__ (   self,
float  rhs 

◆ __mul__() [2/3]

VariableMatrix jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__mul__ (   self,
Variable  rhs 

◆ __mul__() [3/3]

VariableMatrix jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__mul__ (   self,
VariableMatrix  rhs 

◆ __neg__()

VariableMatrix jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__neg__ (   self)

◆ __pow__()

Variable jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__pow__ (   self,
int  power 

◆ __rmul__() [1/2]

VariableMatrix jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__rmul__ (   self,
float  lhs 

◆ __rmul__() [2/2]

VariableMatrix jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__rmul__ (   self,
Variable  lhs 

◆ __setitem__() [1/2]

Variable jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__setitem__ (   self,
int  row,
Variable  value 

◆ __setitem__() [2/2]

None jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__setitem__ (   self,
tuple  slices,
object  value 

◆ __sub__() [1/4]

VariableMatrix jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__sub__ (   self,
Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', shape=(None, None))]  rhs 

◆ __sub__() [2/4]

VariableMatrix jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__sub__ (   self,
VariableBlock  rhs 

◆ __sub__() [3/4]

VariableMatrix jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__sub__ (   self,
VariableBlock  rhs 

◆ __sub__() [4/4]

VariableMatrix jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__sub__ (   self,
VariableMatrix  rhs 

◆ __truediv__() [1/2]

VariableMatrix jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__truediv__ (   self,
float  rhs 

◆ __truediv__() [2/2]

VariableMatrix jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.__truediv__ (   self,
Variable  rhs 

◆ col()

VariableBlock jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.col (   self,
int  col 
Returns a column slice of the variable matrix.

Parameter ``col``:
    The column to slice.

    A column slice of the variable matrix.

◆ cols()

int jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.cols (   self)
Returns the number of columns in the matrix.

    The number of columns in the matrix.

◆ cwise_transform()

VariableMatrix jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.cwise_transform (   self,
Callable[[Variable], Variable func 
Transforms the matrix coefficient-wise with an unary operator.

Parameter ``unary_op``:
    The unary operator to use for the transform operation.

    Result of the unary operator.

◆ row()

VariableBlock jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.row (   self,
int  row 
Returns a row slice of the variable matrix.

Parameter ``row``:
    The row to slice.

    A row slice of the variable matrix.

◆ rows()

int jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.rows (   self)
Returns the number of rows in the matrix.

    The number of rows in the matrix.

◆ set_value() [1/5]

None jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.set_value (   self,
Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float32', shape=(None, None))]  values 
Sets block's internal values.

Parameter ``values``:
    Eigen matrix of values.

◆ set_value() [2/5]

None jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.set_value (   self,
Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', shape=(None, None))]  values 
Sets block's internal values.

Parameter ``values``:
    Eigen matrix of values.

◆ set_value() [3/5]

None jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.set_value (   self,
Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='int32', shape=(None, None))]  values 
Sets block's internal values.

Parameter ``values``:
    Eigen matrix of values.

◆ set_value() [4/5]

None jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.set_value (   self,
Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='int64', shape=(None, None))]  values 
Sets block's internal values.

Parameter ``values``:
    Eigen matrix of values.

◆ set_value() [5/5]

None jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.set_value (   self,
float  value 
Assigns a double to the block.

This only works for blocks with one row and one column.

Parameter ``value``:
    Value to assign.

◆ shape()

tuple jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.shape (   self)

◆ T()

VariableMatrix jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.T (   self)
Returns the transpose of the variable matrix.

    The transpose of the variable matrix.

◆ value() [1/3]

Annotated[ArrayLike, dict(dtype='float64', shape=(None, None), order='F')] jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.value (   self)
Returns the contents of the variable matrix.

    The contents of the variable matrix.

◆ value() [2/3]

float jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.value (   self,
int  index 
Returns a row of the variable column vector.

Parameter ``index``:
    The index of the element to return.

    A row of the variable column vector.

◆ value() [3/3]

float jormungandr.autodiff.VariableBlock.value (   self,
int  row,
int  col 
Returns an element of the variable matrix.

Parameter ``row``:
    The row of the element to return.

Parameter ``col``:
    The column of the element to return.

    An element of the variable matrix.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: