
Class AutoFactory


public class AutoFactory extends Object
A factory used to create autonomous routines.

Here is an example of how to use this class to create an auto routine:

Example using Triggers

 public AutoRoutine shootThenMove(AutoFactory factory) {
   // Create a new auto routine to return
   var routine = factory.newRoutine();

   // Create a trajectory that moves the robot 2 meters
   AutoTrajectory trajectory = factory.trajectory("move2meters", routine);

   // Will automatically run the shoot command when the auto routine is first polled

   // Gets a trigger from the shooter to if the shooter has a note, and will run the trajectory
   // command when the shooter does not have a note

   return routine;

Example using CommandGroups

 public Command shootThenMove(AutoFactory factory) {
   // Create a trajectory that moves the robot 2 meters
   Command trajectory = factory.trajectoryCommand("move2meters");

   return shooter.shoot()