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angularVelocity - Variable in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectoryState
The angular velocity of the state in rad/s.


Choreo - Class in com.choreo.lib
Utilities to load and follow ChoreoTrajectories
Choreo() - Constructor for class com.choreo.lib.Choreo
Default constructor.
ChoreoControlFunction - Interface in com.choreo.lib
This interface exists as a type alias.
choreoSwerveCommand(ChoreoTrajectory, Supplier<Pose2d>, ChoreoControlFunction, Consumer<ChassisSpeeds>, BooleanSupplier, Subsystem...) - Static method in class com.choreo.lib.Choreo
Create a command to follow a Choreo path.
choreoSwerveCommand(ChoreoTrajectory, Supplier<Pose2d>, PIDController, PIDController, PIDController, Consumer<ChassisSpeeds>, BooleanSupplier, Subsystem...) - Static method in class com.choreo.lib.Choreo
Create a command to follow a Choreo path.
choreoSwerveController(PIDController, PIDController, PIDController) - Static method in class com.choreo.lib.Choreo
Creates a control function for following a ChoreoTrajectoryState.
ChoreoTrajectory - Class in com.choreo.lib
A trajectory loaded from Choreo.
ChoreoTrajectory() - Constructor for class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectory
Create an empty ChoreoTrajectory.
ChoreoTrajectory(List<ChoreoTrajectoryState>) - Constructor for class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectory
Constructs a new trajectory from a list of trajectory states
ChoreoTrajectoryState - Class in com.choreo.lib
A single robot state in a ChoreoTrajectory.
ChoreoTrajectoryState(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double[], double[]) - Constructor for class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectoryState
Constructs a ChoreoTrajectoryState with the specified parameters.
com.choreo.lib - package com.choreo.lib


flipped() - Method in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectory
Returns this trajectory, mirrored across the field midline.
flipped() - Method in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectoryState
Returns this state, mirrored across the field midline.


getChassisSpeeds() - Method in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectoryState
Returns the field-relative chassis speeds of this state.
getFinalPose() - Method in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectory
Returns the final, non-mirrored pose of the trajectory.
getFinalState() - Method in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectory
Returns the last ChoreoTrajectoryState in the trajectory.
getFlippedFinalPose() - Method in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectory
Returns the final, mirrored pose of the trajectory.
getFlippedInitialPose() - Method in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectory
Returns the initial, mirrored pose of the trajectory.
getInitialPose() - Method in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectory
Returns the initial, non-mirrored pose of the trajectory.
getInitialState() - Method in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectory
Returns the first ChoreoTrajectoryState in the trajectory.
getPose() - Method in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectoryState
Returns the pose at this state.
getPoses() - Method in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectory
Returns the array of poses corresponding to the trajectory.
getSamples() - Method in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectory
Returns the list of states for this trajectory.
getTotalTime() - Method in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectory
Returns the total time of the trajectory (the timestamp of the last sample)
getTrajectory(String) - Static method in class com.choreo.lib.Choreo
Load a trajectory from the deploy directory.
getTrajectoryGroup(String) - Static method in class com.choreo.lib.Choreo
Loads the split parts of the specified trajectory.


heading - Variable in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectoryState
The heading of the state in radians, with 0 being in the +X direction.


interpolate(ChoreoTrajectoryState, double) - Method in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectoryState
Interpolate between this state and the provided state.


moduleForcesX - Variable in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectoryState
The force on each swerve module in the X direction in Newtons.
moduleForcesY - Variable in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectoryState
The force on each swerve module in the Y direction in Newtons Module forces appear in the following order: [FL, FR, BL, BR].


sample(double) - Method in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectory
Return an interpolated, non-mirrored sample of the trajectory at the given timestamp.
sample(double, boolean) - Method in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectory
Return an interpolated sample of the trajectory at the given timestamp.


timestamp - Variable in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectoryState
The timestamp of this state, relative to the beginning of the trajectory.


velocityX - Variable in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectoryState
The velocity of the state in the X direction in m/s.
velocityY - Variable in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectoryState
The velocity of the state in the Y direction in m/s.


x - Variable in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectoryState
The X position of the state in meters.


y - Variable in class com.choreo.lib.ChoreoTrajectoryState
The Y position of the state in meters.
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