Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
▼ include | |
▼ sleipnir | |
▼ autodiff | |
adjoint_expression_graph.hpp | |
expression.hpp | |
expression_graph.hpp | |
expression_type.hpp | |
gradient.hpp | |
hessian.hpp | |
jacobian.hpp | |
slice.hpp | |
variable.hpp | |
variable_block.hpp | |
variable_matrix.hpp | |
▼ control | |
ocp.hpp | |
▼ optimization | |
▼ solver | |
exit_status.hpp | |
interior_point.hpp | |
iteration_info.hpp | |
newton.hpp | |
options.hpp | |
sqp.hpp | |
multistart.hpp | |
problem.hpp | |
▼ util | |
assert.hpp | |
concepts.hpp | |
function_ref.hpp | |
intrusive_shared_ptr.hpp | |
pool.hpp | |
print.hpp | |
scoped_profiler.hpp | |
setup_profiler.hpp | |
solve_profiler.hpp | |
spy.hpp | |
symbol_exports.hpp | |